Overcoming Perfectionism
It feels great to be back in a daily drawing routine and sharing my work online. Inktober helped me break free from my perfectionism, and after completing 31 consecutive ink drawings, I jumped back into digital drawing with Linea Sketch. I completed a series of 10 sketches based on photos from stickerspotter.com, and yesterday, I posted my seventh sketch in a Christmas character series.
I've never drawn so much in a short period. Granted, none of these sketches are gallery pieces, but they aren't meant to be. I'm just having fun, drawing whatever interests me at the time. I try new styles and techniques. Not everything is as planned, but I always learn something I can use for the next drawing.
I am still a recovering perfectionist, but after posting 52 drawings since October, I feel I'm doing much better.
Here's what helped
- I set a two-hour time limit for each drawing.
- I consider a drawing complete around the 80-85% mark.
These constraints help me reinforce a done is better than perfect mindset.
In the past, I would get my sketches 80% complete within two hours, then spend countless more hours trying to squeeze an extra 15-20% by redrawing areas and fiddling with minute details. It didn't improve the drawing; it only left me frustrated, never satisfied, feeling like I needed to do more.
That last 15-20% has diminishing returns. Your time and energy are better spent working on a new sketch.